WPS Office v10.1.0.5795 FULL
http://bit.ly/2qiS9Qw\">WPS Office v10.1.0.5795 FULL
Easy & Efficient Office Suite
Across Devices
The perfect free office software
Your dream solution for a low-budget, no-commitment,
free productivity office suite. The smallest size office suite consisting of Writer,
Presentation, and Spreadsheets,
plus PDF tools to fulfill all of your document needs.
Includes a brand new Docer Templates page.
Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Russian.
Drag-and-drop ToolWPS Office’s innovative Paragraph Layout feature is a drag-and-drop tool that allows you to adjust each paragraph naturally.
Simply by moving your mouse, you can change the location, spacing, and indentation of a paragraph
Free TemplatesWPS Office offers a large number of free templates to help you create word documents, presentations,
and spreadsheets to save you time. Quickly select the desired templates
from the Docer library to create your documents with ease.
Section NavigationThe Section Navigation tool makes it a piece of cake to jump between and edit sections.
Quickly access Cover Pages, Content Pages, and your Header and Footer, or Split Sections and Delete Sections.
Multiple Document TabsAvoid the hassle caused by switching between multiple document windows.
The tab bar that appears above the editable area allows you to switch between documents by Ctrl + Tab.
This makes your document editing as easy and natural as web browsing.
- Added a clipboard entry (Home->Copy; shortcut: [Ctrl+C]×2).
- Added entries for customizing chart elements (Select a chart->Chart Tools->Add Chart Element->Axis, Axis Title, Chart Title, Data Labels, Data Table, Error Bars, Gridlines, Legend, Lines, Trendline, Up/Down Bars->More Option).
- Bug Fix: Incorrect display of words after changing language in Russian version.
- Bug Fix: Wrong word spelling in file recover settings in English version.
WPS Writer
- Added a "Phonetic Guide" entry for Russian version (Главная->Фонетическое руководство).
- Bug Fix: Heading styles font will now use theme font.
- Support for entering non break spaces by shortcut key [Ctrl+Shift+Space].
WPS Presentation
- Bug Fix: Crash problem under certain environment.
WPS Spreadsheets
- Bug Fix: Decimal point preference (period or comma) will now follow system settings.
- Bug Fix: When editing cells, the auto complete list will now show recommended words in both upper- and lower-case.
Version #: – September 14 2016
- Support for customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, allowing for more convenient access to commonly used tools
- Support for switching between open documents by pressing Ctrl+Tab.
- Better picture preview: support for both full-screen and standard previews.
- Support for compound type in WordArt.
- Added backup interval settings. (Main Menu -> Options -> Backup Settings).
- Bug fix: Icons no longer appear too small on high resolution screens.
WPS Writer
- Added vertical alignment settings for vertical textbox.
WPS Presentation
- Support for exporting to video. (Special Features -> Export to Video)
- Support for converting to Word document. (Special Features -> Convert to Word Document)
- Support for exporting to images. (Special Features -> Export to Image)
- Added two Smart Guides: Border/Center alignment line and Equal Distance line for easier object positioning.
- Improved video insertion and playback, added "Video Tools" tab.
- Bug fix: crash problem under certain environments.
WPS Spreadsheets
- Conditional Formatting now supports more than 3 simultaneous conditions, adding rules such as Data Bars, Color Scales, and Icon Sets.
- Support for directly showing comments, editing comment box size, font, and font size.
- Support for printing comments.
- Support for Document Slimming, allowing users to reduce document size. (Special Features -> Document Slimming)
- Bug fix: currency format in cells failed to display correctly under certain zoom scales.
- Bug fix: Auto fill cells when entering duplicated values (#260736).
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